mercoledì 13 febbraio 2013

Come risolvere la questione dei "capelli duri"....

Per prima cosa vi dico che non c'è un modo per eliminare completamente questo "problema" dei capelli duri, secchi e che si spezzano facilmente perché sono caratteristiche che rendono i nostri capelli....unici!
A differenza degli occidentali il nostro cuoio capelluto produce pochissimo sebo.

Però c'è un modo,anzi più di un modo per mantenerli idratati.

Esatto questa  è la chiave per evitare i "capelli duri": mantenerli idratati!

Ragazze è l'unico modo!
capelli non idratati finiscono col diventare secchi, quindi duri (difficili da gestire) e di conseguenza che si spezzano appena soffia il vento per non parlare di quando si cerca di pettinarli...

Vediamo i vari modi:


Almeno una volta a settimana una maschera idratante è fondamentale. Che sia fatto con prodotti chimici o completamente naturali, fatelo!!


Molte di noi evitiamo l'acqua come se fosse causa di peste...
In realtà è l'elemento idratante più efficace che c'è in natura con il "difetto" che evapora molto velocemente.
Spruzzate dell'acqua sui vostri capelli regolarmente (tutti i giorni) magari mischiato con qualche olio naturale (olio oliva, olio di cocco, olio di mandorle ecc)


Idratare i capelli TUTTI I GIORNI li mantiene morbidi e quindi più gestibili e quindi si spezzano meno!
Potete usare il vostro balsamo (leave-in conditioner) o il prodotto naturale che preferito.
Personalmente uso un mix di burro di karitè (shea butter) con altri oli.


Mai, ripeto MAI pettinare o acconciare i capelli quando sono secchi.
Idratateli con dell'acqua (spruzzandone un pò), o con il vostro balsamo (meglio se mischiate i due). Vedrete che sarà meno difficile (non più doloroso) pettinare i capelli.


Per ultimo ragazze siate intraprendenti, fate ricerche su internet, provate nuovi prodotti e cercate quello che va bene per voi! Ricordatevi che abbiamo tutte capelli diversi quindi non tutto funziona con tutte!

Lasciate pure commenti con domande, curiosità e consigli!


lunedì 11 febbraio 2013

No Tangles...

hello to all Natural Black and Beauty fans!!
I know many of you have different ways to avoid tangles or to make the detangling section easier. I want to specially thank Sista Angela who decided to share with all of us her detangling experience and amazing pictures!

Hello Naturals!

My Story:

I want to give you an update on a method and products used from last night on my daughter's hair. You may recall that I recently experienced problems with my daughter's hair being tangled very badly. Well I gradually changed my method and products from what I used to use and didn't realize that was a mistake.
Shea Moistures and Cantu are good products but not good when it comes to detangling hair. I don't have that problem so it works good in my hair.
 My daughter has thick long hair and it demands a good moisturizing and detangling product! I didn't like her hair from the other day because I had to put so much product in it to detangle it; never again!
 Some prayer, some thinking, some research, and purchasing got me back on track.
 I had Cream of Nature Detangling Shampoo and it works wonderful; not sure why I stopped using it. Maybe because I was trying other products on her hair and forgot what works best. Anyway, I was in Walgreen and saw Motions Naturally You Deep Conditioning Masque on sale and V05 Detangling Leave-In Spray on sale too. Yes ma'am I purchased both! I don't regret this purchase.
 If I had to eliminate one in order to keep my hair care product budget affordable then it would be ... okay, I can't say right now because both are good. One thing is that I saw a instant detangle while rinsing the shampoo out; therefore, it doesn't take much from there. 

The Hair Care Process: 
I unraveled twist,
 applied Cream of Nature shampoo to dry hair,
 worked shampoo in from root to ends, 
rinsed shampoo, 
sectioned hair in 6, 
applied Motions DC Masque, kept DC on for at least 15 minutes, rinsed DC, 
sectioned hair in 6, sprayed each section with V05 and began to style her hair.

 I could part her hair with my fingers and easy parting with a rat tail comb. I'm not good at parting hair, but this was a breeze last night. It took me no time doing her hair. Yes, she got in the bed later than her bedtime but it was worth it. She told me that I didn't hurt her head and thanks mommy! I was so happy that all is well with her concerning her hair care sessions because it's no joke caring for all that long thick hair; it's beautiful and I love how she shows it off to her daddy and thanks me for doing her hair so pretty. WOW, the joys of motherhood! Thanks to each of you that bless me with good information to help me become better at caring for and growing me and my daughter's natural hair.

P.S. Stick with what you know works. It's important to keep a natural hair care and growth journal to record methods, products, and experiences.

Have a Great Day!
Loving My Beautiful Natural Texture!"

That was great Angela, Happy for your Princess' daughter!
Enjoy these Beautiful pictures:

Detangled Back View

Detangles Top View

Mommy and Daughter Rock'n Twist