why did you decide to wear locs?
Well first of all I look at hair as an expression of myself. I am very creative and very much into art. So, my hair reflects that creative side. I'm always evolving. I have worn my hair in braids, low cuts, afros, twists and most recently locs. I decided to wear locs after seeing the many styles women and men were wearing.
at a certain point after six years of locs you cut it off and grew this beautiful afro hair, why?
After six years of loving my locs I began to grow tired of them. The main reason was the weight of them. So without a plan I just cut them. I already knew if I wanted to I could just start all over.
Is it easier to maintain locs or afro hair? is there a difference in terms of financial costs?
I do not regret my decision. However I do feel like the afro is harder to maintain. I spent six years being totally comfortable with my hair in locs. I had a daily routine and a monthly hair appointment. They were neat and trouble free. Now that my hair is truly out again I feel like I have to reintroduce myself to my hair. I am having a difficult time with the tangling of the afro and the tender headedness that comes with it. And since my previous locktician is not a natural hair beautician I feel that the best thing to do is find someone who can care for my natural hair needs. I do believe that styling my hair now will be more expensive than the locs. However if I am leaning towards starting Sisterlocks and know for a fact that will be expensive.
did you have resistance from fiends and relatives when you decide to be a natural diva?
Fortunately for me many of my family members embrace natural hair. My grandmother didn't have relaxed hair and neither does my mother. Most of them loved it. They would be surprised how neat it looked. But there is always that one person telling you to take that stuff out your hair. And you are like.... what stuff? Funny when my hair was relaxed that is when I had "stuff" in my hair... Lol
can you tell us a little bit about your hair regimen and products you use?
Unfortunately I don't have much advice as far as hair regimen and treatment. I am basically using the same products that I used when I had my locks. Peppermint shampoo. Also the Nubian Heritage shampoo and conditioning treatment. Parnevu Tea tree oil for my hair and scalp.
what's the advice you've to give to the new natural divas who are still transitioning?
My advice to anyone considering going natural is to approach it head on. Don't be flaky about your decision. You need to be dedicated to making the change. And once you do it you will experience a feeling inside yourself that no one can describe. I believe it is a therapeutic way of getting to know yourself. I know we have been programmed to judge ourselves and worry about what other people think our hair should look like. You have to embrace YOUR beauty and stop trying to look like someone else. Because there is only one YOU and this is how God created you.
That was great! Thank you very much Naomi for this interview, am sure many new natural divas will be inspired! keep us up dated about your journey!
Meanwhile Natural Divas enjoy this beautiful pictures of Naomi Baxter!!!
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