mercoledì 30 gennaio 2013

Protective styles on-going... Si va avanti con pettinature protettive..

Diciamo che da quando è arrivato il freddo ho fatto solo pettinature protettive, sew-in e treccine.
Ho iniziato a Novembre 2012 se mi ricordo bene e da allora ho fatto un sew-in e due volte le treccine (il secondo ce l'ho ancora).
Devo dire che mi trovo bene:
- i miei capelli sono potetti dal freddo
- non devo preoccuparmi di sciogliere i nodi
- li idrato e li lavo comunque regolarmente
- nessuno che mi tocca i capelli (ahahha)
- intanto crescono!

l'unico inconveniente è la voglia matta che mi viene alle volte di portare i miei capelli naturali per un pò e fare arie pettinature...aspettiamo temperature migliori và!


Let me say since cold began I've been doing protective styles like braids and sew-in.
I started around November 2012  if I'm not mistaking, and since then I've done a sew-in once and braids two times (the second braid style is still on my head).

I have to admit I feel good:
- my hair are safe from this cold
- I don't have to detangle
-I still wash and moisturize my hair regularly
- nobody touches my hair (ahahahha)
-meanwhile it grows!

The only inconveniency is sometimes I have a crazy desire to carry my natural hair for some time and do different styles with it.... better wait for better temperatures!


venerdì 18 gennaio 2013

Interview With Natural Angela

1- when did you become natural?
I became "natural" in November 2011. My last relaxer was June 2011.

2- did you transitioned or big chopped immediately?
My plan: wear two strand twist extensions and re-do them monthly which would allow me a slow transition of cutting the relaxer / perm out monthly. Eventually to reach the desired "natural" length. This plan did not work; I did the BIG chop! My first time wearing my beautiful "natural" mane was Summer of 2012.

3- was it difficult to accept your new look?
I liked my new look and become more and more motivated to learn how to care for and grow my "natural" mane.

4- why did you decide to go natural?
My decision to go "natural" came from my repeated disappointments in chemically processed hair. I just could not keep stressing about the matter every 4 to 6 weeks.

5- what is your hair regimen and products you use?
My hair regimen is simple; I shampoo and condition weekly or every 2 weeks. Moisture is important to me; therefore, I stay faithful to protective styles and my nightly regimen to seal the essential oils. I only use a very small amount of product. Products that I use: Shea Moisture and Cantu. I have tried other products and found that I needed to control my spending on hair products and have two favorites. Another great product is olive oil and water!  

6-has natural hair taken time from your family?
My "natural" has not taken time away from my family.

7- since you became natural what are the new things you've done that you never thought of doing before?
My new lifestyle of  "natural" hair is wonderful; I am stress-free! I style my hair with freedom to express my natural beauty.

8- what are your relatives, family saying about your change?
My Family and other relatives like my "natural" and they compliment me often. My greatest appreciation is that my Husband and Daughter love my "natural". Along with my Daughter; age 6, we wear our "natural" with JOY!

Angela with Her Sister

9- what advice can you give to all natural women?
Advice to other "natural" women is to be faithful to keep your "natural" mane healthy and beautiful. Enjoy your journey and give others your testimony so that they too can be naturally beautiful.

Relaxer days VS Natural Days

Thank you Angela for sharing all these with us!  This is the reason of the interviews, to give others your testimony and encourage them!
Keep on in your journey with joy!

Natural, Black & Beautiful

mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013

Coconut Oil??? Olio di Cocco???

L'olio di cocco è un olio vegetale che  viene estratto dalla polpa del frutto omonimo.
A temperature medie (+20°) si presenta come un olio trasparente mentre a temperature più basse si solidifica diventando una polpa bianca che si scioglie a contatto con il calore della pelle.
L'albero del cocco è molto diffuso in Asia, Sud America e Africa.

Coconut oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the meat of the fruit.
On high temperatures (+20°) is a trasparent liquid while at low temperatures it solidifies and becomes a white pulp which easily melts up when it touches the skin.
Coconut three is very common in Asia, South America and Africa.

L'olio di cocco è ricco di:
- Grassi saturi: il tipo di grassi saturi contenuto nell'olio di cocco non nuoce alla salute ma viene bensì ben assimilato dal nostro organismo
- Vitamina E
-Vitamina K
- Ferro

Coconut oil contains:
-Saturated Fats: this type of fat contained in coconut oil is not harmful rather is well absorbed
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Iron

Oltre ad essere utilizzata in cucina l'olio di cocco è utile come cosmetico per la pelle:
- Un'applicazione costante dopo il bagno rende la pelle morbida
- Essendo ricco di Vitamina E è un potente antiossidante quindi ritarda l'invecchiamento della pelle
- può essere usato come struccante
- Aiuta a migliorare casi di psoriasi, dermatite ed eczemi cutanei

Coconut oil is used in the kitchen and also as a skin cosmetics:
- A costant application after bathing keeps the skin soft
- The large quantity of Vitamin E makes cocunut oil a powerful antioxidant wich  delays skin aging
- It can be used as make up removal
- Helps to improve cases of psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema

E per ultimo è un utilizzato per la cura dei capelli:
- Usato sui capelli umidi rende i capelli morbidi e setosi
- Dona lucentezza
- Aiuta la ricrescita di capelli danneggiati (impacchi con olio di cocco)
- A differenza di molti balsami penetra nel capelli depositando proteine

Finally it is used for hair care:
- Used on slightly damp hair kepps it solft and silky
- Keeps the hair shiny
- Helps damaged hair re-growth (wraps with cocunut oil)
-  Unlike many conditioners it penetrates hair shaft depositing proteins

L'olio di cocco ha moltissimi utilizzi, vi invito a dare un'occhiata a questi link per avere più idee :

Coconut oil can be used in many other ways,I encourage you to visit these links to have more ideas:

Natural, Black & Beauty